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10th Grade Checklist

  • Complete your High School and Beyond Plan. Enter the classes you will take this year as well as the classes you plan to take your senior year. Update throughout the year if you change your mind.
  • If you qualified for the College Bound Scholarship in Middle School, remember that you must fulfill the College Bound pledge in order to receive the scholarship when you graduate.
  • Take challenging courses in high school.
  • Continue to develop good study skills!
  • Start exploring your college and career options. Explore online to create a list of colleges you may be interested in and request more information.
  • Determine some goals you would like to achieve during and after high school.
  • Participate in volunteer activities.
  • Continue building a high school resume, keeping track of all your extracurricular activities and any awards or honors you receive.
  • Apply to represent AHS at Sophomore leadership seminars and academic enrichment opportunities, such as HOBY.
  • Sign Up to take the PSAT Test in October.